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This web site contains sexually explicit material:


It has been a while since I have posted any news, but I hope to do this more often. I am a slow typist, so that makes it a little harder, lol. I guess the biggest news is that I will resume shooting again soon. I have mentioned in the comments that I severely cut my hand a few months ago and it required surgery. I still have months to go before it's back to 100%, or as close as it will get, but I believe it's at a point where I can do some shooting again. That being said, if anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to let me know. Also, if you are in the market for a custom, let me know as well. Right now, I have Monica Jade, Rachel, adara, Illustrious Rouge, and sassy available. That's it for now. Eric

Sneak Peek
Here's a sneak peek of a video I am currently working on.

I have not shot a lot of new content in the past 6 months. The summer was very busy with moving out of my old studio. It should not have taken as long as it did, but being that it was on the 3rd floor and I had to use 100 yr old freight elevators that only work 25% of the time makes moving very time consuming... never again. The good news is that I have a new studio in Florida. I have access to a large indoor area as well as a large outdoor area in which to shoot as well. I absolutely love outdoor bondage, and will be doing quite a bit of it. I will be getting the keys this week and will be posting a little tour in the next few weeks. Also, like I have mentioned several times before, I have raised the initial monthly join fee. The recurring fee has remained the same. For even more savings you can choose the 3 or 6 month option. A yearly option should be available soon as well. As many of you know I post on C4S as well. In the past, I have posted clips there first and then to the site, but with the price increase I am going to start posting new content on the site first and then later to C4S. I think that's about it for now. Thanks for your support! Eric

I have mentioned, several times in the past, that the initial subscription rate is going to increase to around $45 soon. The recurring rate will, however remain the same. Thanks for your support!! Eric